Father and Son

Have I mentioned that Neil is not only the greatest husband but also THE BEST DADDY in the world? It is such a joy to watch the two of them together. Neil reads Finn stories (and the look of concentration on Finn's face is just adorable!), he sings with him, teaches him how to play ball or hide and seek. As soon as Neil gets home from work it is daddy time! Neil rides his bike to work and comes home at around 7pm. Finn and I are usually downstairs then, Finn often having his supper. From the dining table we have a good view of our backyard and the garage, where Neil puts his bike. So as soon as Finn sees Neil coming in he yells "PAPA!" and goes crazy. Some days Finn starts saying "papa" over and over at around 5pm - as if he can't wait for his daddy to come home.
But Neil does so much more than just play with his son. He changes his diapers (I get a break from poopy diapers on the weekend), gives him his bath, feeds him and gets him dressed. I know that even in this day and age this is not a given! And when Finn wakes up crying at night Neil will go in and comfort him. You can really see just how much Neil loves his little boy in everything he does. And I am not the only one noticing this! A friend from church once said to me "You know, this is what I hope heaven will be like, how God will treat us: just like the way Neil takes care of Finn."
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