
Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Neil and Finn are doing o.k. at the hospital. Finn was a champ about having an IV line put in. Now his whole hand is bandaged to keep him from moving his wrist. They did it so they can keep him hydrated tomorrow, as he is not allowed to eat or drink and they can't say when the surgery will be. (The youngest kids will come first, and they might have emergencies come in too.) Neil can sleep with Finn, and there are 2 other children in the room. Finn missed his nap and was a bit cranky, I think he was a bit overwhelmed by it all. He talked to me on the phone and said, "It's not very easy, Mama."

I hope he will have a good night's rest and will be on top of the surgery list tomorrow! I can't wait to have him back here.


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