Getting out of the hole

Well, we are back in the land of the living. About two weeks ago Finn caught a bug somewhere and it turned into a nasty cold. A few days later both Neil and I came down with it also. We all felt awful for a quite a while. Finn couldn't sleep well at night, but during the day he seemed to be doing way better than us. Feeling lousy and having to take care of an active toddler is no fun at all! We had planned to go to Zurich to visit my sister for 4 days, but had to cancel. We hope to be able to go visit her soon. Now we are all doing better; Neil even biked to work this morning.
Yesterday afternoon we did a really fun thing - we took Finn swimming to a nice indoor pool. We went to babyswim classes with him when he was 6 months old, and he enjoyed them. Now that he is older he enjoys the water even more! The pool had a really nice enclosed baby area with lots of things to do and Finn loved the fountains and the slide. We also took him to a deep, really warm pool where he "swam" from mommy to daddy and back. Maybe we should buy him water wings so he doesn't go under quite as often. Not that it seemed to bother him much - he just sputtered and coughed and burped and then was all smiles again.
Finn also loves playgrounds and walking around outside. Not that you ever get far with him. He mainly walks around in circles or in the opposite direction you want him to move and picks up interesting objects - stones, leaves, chestnuts, acorns. Everything is a wonder to him. Sometimes I still can't believe that this is my baby doing all of these things. As Neil said - our baby is not a baby anymore!
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