
Saturday, June 21, 2008

A post about Lily

Playing in the driveway. We had to buy a second "Bobby Car", since both kids love riding them!


Lily fine-tuning her climbing skills while Finn is giving Piggy a ride.

Our little Lily - what can we say? She is sooo cute, and we couldn't be happier to have her in our lives. Just yesterday Neil said "Could you imagine Finn NOT having a little sister?". For the most part they get along very well. Every morning when they first see each other there is this little celebration of hugs and kisses going on that just melts my heart.

Lily is getting better and better at walking. Unlike Finn, who took his first steps and never looked back, Lily just kept on crawling. Only occasionally would she stand up and practice walking a bit. But now, at 13 months, she is walking to where she wants to go most of the time.

Lily is quite the character. She doesn't have many words yet, but she does say "NEIN!" (No) frequently, complete with shaking her finger. She says it when Finn takes a toy from her, when she doesn't want to get diapered etc. She can also throw fits already that make her parents fear the "terrible twos", not to speak of puberty :-) But, most of the time, she is a sweet, affectionate, outgoing little girl. When we go to the store she will smile, wave and say "hallo!" to everyone, whether they happen to look her way or not.

Lily and Finn love playing in our garden. This is a little video from yesterday.

Finn calls it "Rock me, baby!". Neil calls it "Hoppala, pumpkin". Lily calls it "My skirt is too freakin' long, mom!" :-)


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