
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Prince Charming

I just have to write this down before I forget. Finn says the funniest things sometimes. Here are some examples:

We're driving in the car.
Finn: "Where are we going? I don't wanna come!"
Neil: "You're coming because we're a family."
Finn: "But WHY do I have to come?"
Neil: "Because families stick together!"

Or this:
"Mama, STOP SINGING, you'll scare the people!" (Um, thanks, buddy.)

And then last night he was chilling in the bathtub and casually said to Neil:
"You're so ugly you make my eyes kaput." :-0

And while his little sister might not be as eloquent as big bro yet, she sure isn't boring either. I think I've mentioned that she has trouble staying in her bed lately. Well, she decided she really really likes Finn's bed. The other night Finn stood crying in the hallway, saying Lily had come into his room. She had kicked Finn out and we found her snuggled up under his blankets! Maybe we should just let them switch bedrooms?


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