To Eat or Not To Eat

I told myself I would never be one of those mothers who frets about her poor child not eating enough or not eating the right things. No healthy child starves to death of its own free will, right? We would just set a good example by eating healthy ourselves and there would never be a problem with our children and food. Just present them with a few choices and let them pick what they want to eat. I know that toddlers are not the healthiest eaters and that they might not eat a wholesome diet for some time, but this should be no reason for concern. And guess what? Now that I have a toddler I do worry. And I want him to eat more, but I can't stuff it down his throat! When I still nursed Finn a few times a day I wasn't too worried about food. Now I have practically weaned Finn from the breast; before his noon nap is the only time that I still nurse him. And it is more about comfort than about milk.
After Finn got over the cold I wrote about some time ago he was fine for 2 days and then had terrible diarrhea. The worst was over after a day, but I still took him to his doctor a few days later. Finn just wasn't his usual cheerful self. The doctor thought Finn looked too pale and took a blood sample. He prescribed pills for his tummy and an iron supplement and I also bought toddler vitamins. It also turned out that Finn has not gained any weight since he was 11 months old. I had noticed he seemed to be getting thinner. No wonder - learning how to walk, weaning, his cold and not eating enough all at the same time! So, we are trying to get more food into him. In 3 weeks our doctor wants to see us again and hopefully Finn will have gained some weight then.
We finally got Finn to drink a small bottle of apple-flavoured baby milk in the morning. That is a huge success. But now he doesn't want breakfast anymore. Before he goes down for his nap at 1pm he usually doesn't eat much at all. He might nibble on a couple whole grain crackers or cookies. A hot lunch is not to his liking, so usually he eats a fruit bar. On a good day I might get a few teaspoons of yoghurt or some grapes into him. I buy the richest fruit yoghurt I can find. On a bad day he won't even eat the fruit bar. I offer him apple slices and he chews one up and then spits it out. I offer him banana and he takes two bites at most, but usually I end up eating all of it myself. He doesn't like cantaloupe or pureed fruit. Part of the problem is that he wants to feed himself, but can't handle a spoon yet. The other day he ate a few pieces of ripe pear with his little fork. Yay! After his nap is basically the same as in the morning, he might snack on something or he might not. If I make a sandwich he will sometimes take a bite or two. His only good meal is supper. He still eats baby or toddler jars, especially with noodles. Often he will eat a whole jar. Then he might try some of our food or eat some desert, like yoghurt. I noticed Finn enjoys eating much more when Neil is here too. Often when Finn refuses food from me he will take it from Neil. So I try to wait with supper until Neil is home.
So much for food.
We still mourn for Aimee. Today a lady came to our door with a small kitten she found in the neighbourhood. She said the kitten was abandoned and thought that maybe Aimee was its mother. Of course Aimee wasn't (she was neutered). Amazingly, the kitten did resemble Aimee. It meowed and meowed and Finn looked at it with such longing. The lady asked if we wanted to keep it, but we don't. We don't want another cat. All we want right now is ours back.
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