
Saturday, April 28, 2007

The last (?) week of my pregnancy!

Finn helping daddy cut the grass with his own little "nano" (lawnmower). It is almost as noisy as a real one...

Looking like a pro in his cute Air Jordan outfit from auntie Kristine. Finn loves kids' gym class, especially the animal stamps he gets on his arms afterwards.

Finn eating a piece of plum cake, or what used to be a piece. His way of eating is to hold his fork or spoon in one hand and then use the other hand to pick up the food. Especially fun with yoghurt...

So we've almost made it through 40 weeks of pregnancy. We are getting pretty excited - soon we will see our little girl! Neil was home this week and we got a lot of last-minute preparing done. My parents are coming on Tuesday, May 1st, and Neil will go back to work on Wednesday. But only until the baby comes! My due date is May 5th, next Saturday. Hopefully I won't go much over.

Finn is our sunshine, as usual. He had a lot of fun with his papa this week. They went to swim class, gym class, went for bikerides to the local parks and playgrounds, went to look at the horses, sheep and goats, played in the yard and so on. Finn loves to "help" his papa cut the grass or water the garden. He looks a lot like Neil now, and I so enjoy seeing the two together. And soon there will be one more of us in this house! I sometimes find that hard to believe, big belly or not.

Monday, April 16, 2007

April is here

On Easter Sunday Finn went on his first easter egg hunt in our yard. He liked finding the big cardboard eggs filled with toys and sweets. Only I shouldn't have hidden the one in the flowerbed we have been trying to teach him to stay out of... Bad idea, now he goes in there to look for more "eggas".

It has been unusally warm for April - almost like summer. We spend a good portion of our day outside now, which is so nice! Finn likes to play in his sandbox, but most of all he likes to "help". He helps his daddy water the bushes or his mommy to sweep the patio. He loves to have friends over, especially when there is cake and ice cream. He runs and climbs all day, and I can literally not keep up with him anymore. (Which is scary when he runs onto the street.) My official due date is May 5th, and I am very ready to have this baby. My body is not used to logging all this extra weight around, and aches and pains are the result. I am surprised how different this pregnancy is from the first. Compared to this my first was a stroll in the park. Of course I didn't have to chase an active toddler all day back then, but still. We just hope our little baby girl will be born healthy and strong and that I will recover quickly. 18 days to go!

March pictures - part II

The first picture shows Finn toting around his "baby". He will pat her back to burp her or feed her his drink. It's quite cute, but we will see what he has to say to his real little sister arriving.

The second picture is of Neil on his birthday. Finn also got a present to open!

Then comes our little gymnast. Once a week we go to baby gym class. Finn really likes it. He just has so much energy and loves to climb. So to save my sanity I bought him a climbing tower. We had it in our living room at first, but have moved it outside by now.

Well, and the last picture shows our cute little Finn just woken up from his nap, Einstein hairdo and everything.

March pictures - part I

Here are a few pictures from March 07. Finn got a pushbike, which he is now a real expert in riding. He LOVES it! He also likes to color our driveway (and the fence, and the mailbox, and our house) with sidewalk chalk. And since his daddy has remarkable artistic talent, the two often draw together, preferrably hippos.

Finn is getting more social, he really loves to play with Jana now. When I tell him that we'll have a great day after he wakes up in the morning, he immediately and happily says "Ana!". He also likes to go see his friend Caleb from church, whom he calls "Bila". I noticed there are a few words that Finn says backwards, like "Illu" (Ulli), "Bila" (Caleb), "Akne" (Danke - thank you in German).

February pictures

In February we went on a trip to Zurich, Switzerland, where Finn's auntie Ulli lives. (He insists on calling her "Illu", though.) It was about a 5 hour car trip, which we tried to time around Finn's nap. That plus stopping a few times made the journey quite okay. We had a really nice visit. Neil fixed some things in Ulli's apartment, like mounting lamps and pictures. We also went to the zoo, which Finn absolutely loved. The picture of me and him in the rainforest was taken at the zoo. It was so humid in that rainforest building that the camera kept on steaming up.

Updates - FINALLY!

Well, we finally got our new internet connection and I can get caught up on posting. I know some of you are eagerly awaiting updates, especially pictures! I think I will start with January and create a post for every month we missed.
The two pics above were taken in January. In the first, Finn is enjoying a puppet theater show. Neil is great at that and Finn always has a good time, although most everyone gets eaten by Snake every single time. In the end Grandma comes to the rescue and pulls the poor creatures out of Snake's belly.
The bath time picture shows a grumpy Finn, but he in fact really likes bathing. When Neil and I talk about whether to give Finn a bath or not at night we have to speak French, because Finn will race to the stairs as soon as he hears the word "bath" in English or German. I am often amazed at how much he already understands - in both his mother tongues.