... and mommy's too!
Ready for playschool!
She's got the boys on their knees already. :-)

Be still, my heart.
Our sunshine, recovered from the nasty sting.
He's half Barbarian, um Bavarian, so what did you expect?
I was seriously ill after that plate of food was gone - and I just looked at it!
Lily entertaining herself at the beergarden.
Dancing and clapping for the DJ. (He played nice music, not the umptah kind.)
We are happy to report that Finn's foot is better and except for some itching the wasp sting doesn't bother him anymore. So we are back in our routine of playgroups, hanging out at home, "Zwergelpark" (playschool) once a week for Lily and twice a week for Finn, going shopping, for walks, to physiotherapy once a week (Lily's foot needs stretching again to straighten out more) and so on. Lily seems to be teething again because she is very clingy during the day and wakes up often at night. But she still is the sweetest little girl and we couldn't be happier with her. When we didn't have children we never really missed them and now that we do we cannot imagine life without them. Plus, they can be pretty entertaining, too. Like Finn today.
I think I have mentioned before that he is VERY fond (read: obsessed) with cows, and insists on being one most days. Today I was changing his diaper and he said:
"Mama, you took my udder off!"
Me (rolling my eyes): "No, Finn, I didn't take your udder off."
Finn: "But SOMEBODY took my udder off. Look - there's only one teat left!"
Now, beat that. :-)
good to hear that Finn is wasp-recovered and wow!! what great pics of everyone. Man how I miss you all. Keep updating with updates, as these are the only dates I get with my favourites.
Uncle Otto
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