Still on the sick side

Will we ever get healthy again around here? It seems a long time since we were all feeling well at the same time. Finn and Neil are down for a nap right now, hopefully getting better. Finn still has diarrhea on and off and somehow caught a nasty bug as well. He was SO miserable all weekend, coughing and throwing up all the time. Sunday was especially bad. The poor guy literally was in our arms all day, whimpering. We took turns with him on the couch. He ran a high fever, between 39 and 40 ° C. He didn't eat anything for 2 days and we couldn't get much fluid into him either. On top, Neil was feeling ill as well. So on Monday (yesterday) we were all back at the doctor's. Finn was feeling a little better, and some more bloodwork luckily didn't confirm the suspected pneumonia. So we will just keep his fever down and treat his cold and his tummy problems.
We stopped giving Finn his apple-flavoured formula (milk). His digestive problems seem to have started at the time he started drinking bigger amounts of it. I still nurse him once a day and he gets rice milk in the morning now. It's worth a try - since my sister is lactose intolerant a milk allergy might run in the family. Maybe Finn has a good reason for refusing milk and milk products.
We all hope to be well again by the end of this week. We have a trip to the Baltic Sea planned, to visit my parents and grandma. My sister will be up there, too. We plan on leaving Friday evening, hoping that Finn will sleep in the car. If all goes well we could make it there in 7 hours. Saturday morning the happy grandparents can take Finn for a nice long walk while his exhausted parents will take a nap. We plan to stay until Wednesday next week.
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