A few days of winter

Well, it is February already and we do not have our fast internet connection back. It took quite some time to upload the two pictures, so the Christmas picture post will have to wait a while still. We are hoping it will work out soon to switch telephone providers. The Deutsche Telekom is quite an experience! They sure won’t easily let you go – even when you don’t have a contract with them anymore and should be able to switch providers within 6 days.
Anyway, we are all doing fine over here. Finn is 17 months old and growing up fast. He can say a few more words now, like “Auto” (car), “bitte” (please), “book-ah” and “egg-ah” (notice a pattern?). He (unfortunately) has figured out how to climb up on the coffee table all by himself, can crawl down the stairs backwards and has become quite good at running. His extreme “papa phase” is over, now he often asks for me. But he likes it best when both of us are there. After he wakes up in the morning he will ususally call “Mama!”, but when I go in he immediately says “Papa?”. Most days I have to explain that papa is at work, but we all really enjoy the time we can spend together on the weekends.
I am doing well, with about 12 weeks to go until delivery I have a nice round baby belly and the baby is doing well. A very active little person! Kicking ALL the time. The other day Finn poked my belly quite hard and the baby responded with two powerful kicks to that spot. Watch out big brother!
AND - we finally had one week of winter! It snowed quite a bit and the snow stayed for a few days, but now it has all melted and temperatures are well above zero again. I must say I don’t mind, it is so much easier to play outside with Finn when it is not freezing. Getting him dressed to play in the snow takes quite a while, and him playing wriggly-worm doesn’t make it any easier. Plus I am usually fully dressed already (so he won’t get too hot once he is dressed), so by the time we get outside I am sweating and ready to just sit and rest. I can sure tell I am 6 months pregnant by now - it gets harder to keep up with this little bundle of energy called Finn.
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