How to turn Lily into a squealing-with-joy Lily.
Lily's favourite ball - good girl!
Note: BBQed chicken and mashed potatoes are best eaten outside with toddlers, preferrably close to a water hose.
Lily the little houswife had a busy morning: First she made wooden-fruit stew ...
... then she patiently waited her turn for the electric broom.

Here Finn is showing his friend Jana how to milk Veronica. (Veronica lives outside now with Sheepy and Piggy.)
"C'mon Lily, you don't REALLY want that green shovel, do you?"
Who's being goofy?
In very hot weather Lily is sporting the little antenna hairstyle and a linen dress. The girl is ALWAYS sweating.

Out on a walk. They love it!
The title says it all. Summer is great! We love our little garden, we love that there are practically no moskitoes, we love the long sunny days. We won't be going on a vacation this year, so we are hoping for at least two more months of nice warm weather here in Bavaria.
Neil is a great daddy, in case you didn't know yet. He took excellent care of Finn and Lily last weekend while I took a train to Switzerland to visit my sister. It was fun! And just so I wouldn't feel totally homesick she took me to visit friends of hers ("exiled" northern Germans as well) who have a 5-month old baby boy. Now, little Anton is just about the cutest little guy I've seen, a close second to Finn. :-)
Other news are that we are back at physio-therapy once a week because Lily's feet are quite crooked again, especially the right one. It has been getting a lot worse since she started walking more. For two weeks now we have to stretch the too-short muscle, then we will decide about bandaging or not. Hopefully the stretching will help, but guess what little Miss Temperamental has to say about that!?
AND - I also made a resolution to update the blog more regularly, about once a week - at least with pictures. Guess that's all for today.