
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our little busy-bee

Got honey? Put it in this bag, please.

Ooooh, yummy cookies!

What a girl needs...

Hey! Exactly what part of "my" and "chocolate cookie" don't you understand, lady?

You know what the difference between raising your first versus later children is? Look at the last picture. Now, if that had been Finn drinking from the garden hose I would have screeched "Eeeek!! FINN!!! There's a gazillion germs in there! Stop that RIGHT NOW!" etc. Now, when Lily did it all I thought was "Geez, how convenient. Should have thought of that a long time ago."

(Just for the record: I did go inside and got her her water cup. Did she want to drink from it? Of course not. The water from the hose tasted way better.)

And last but not least a little video of Lily. It's crazy how fast she is growing up. Sometimes she does things and I think, "Now, when did she learn how to do THAT?!". Like riding her little bike and actually steering. Here we had just finished visiting with Charlie (the neighbors' cat) and were on our way to say Hi to Jimmy.


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