
Sunday, November 02, 2008

A visit from Ohemaah

One of the many advantages of marrying into the family of the (now retired) University of Saskatchewan International Student Advisor is that you get to meet great people from all over the world. Spend any time at all ANYWHERE in this world and you will inevitably run into someone who knows Grandpa Kurt. Okay, this might be slightly exaggerated, but I assure you - only slightly.
Ohemaah is the daughter of Barbara and Charles, friends of Kurt and Norma's, and former exchange students to the U of S. Originally from Ghana they now live in the US, and Ohemaah is studying in L.A. - the lucky girl! We were so happy to have her with us - she is on a study abroad program in Bonn until December and we hope she can come visit us again soon! We had a great weekend, and the kids fell in love with her instantly. We had fun going for walks and to the zoo in Munich. Here are a few pics from our visit.

The kids also loved to dance to the Ghanaian music Ohemaah brought!

And some eating fun:


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